Friday, July 17, 2009

Over It--Bring on the WANTS

For undiscolosed reasons I am re-evaluating my train of thought.

Information has been passed my way, that lends light to a situation that on my part was not fully based in reality--- (I can admit this)

So, becauase of these revelations, I am all about being BOSS and gettin in where I fit it, and basically living my life for me and what I WANT.

So to help me do this, I have compiled a list of my wants---things that I feel are attainable and that I can control:

I WANT....
  • to travel the world--take a year off and just leave for exocitc places, historic monuments, breath-taking views, and new cultures
  • to get my Master's degree and by that time, have a clear vision of what I want to do in the communication field
  • to work out at the gym REGULARLY--and to tone and loose some weight
  • to get this kick ass apartment and for us to be able to move in early--fingers crossed we get all the paperwork in, get the monies in, and are able to MOVE IN!
  • to truly focus on myself and my development as a person--to evolve into a woman that I am comfortable with and proud of
  • better money management--stop impulsively shopping
  • to cook more
  • a kick ass closet--one that has all the clothe combos that anyone would want, shoes too
  • to get the necessary funds together and fix my shoes that need fixing
  • to be happy in my own skin and in my accomplishments thus far

Iunno, this is just a list--something written down to help me stay on track---eye on the prize--head in the game.

I guess that the information that I received was good in a way, it helped me realize how foolish and slightly crazy I was wake up and realize that things are not always as we would want them to be or as they seem.

Just keep swimming--just keep swimming....

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