Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Its has been a very long time since I last posted. I dont think that anyone reads this regularly.

But this is what I am feeling today, and I needed to get it out.

A lot of the time I wish that people would understand that depression is a forever thing. That it just doesnt GO away. That it effects the most simplistic of things.
That getting out of bed can be the biggest of deals. That you have to pull yourself out of a hole, day after day, and breathe and live, and go on-- and that it hurts to do so.
I wish that it could be understood, that every day is a victory if you dont let it win, and every day there is a small part of you that wants it to win.
I wish that people would know, would care, would see, that depression is very real-- and when it has you.....

Its a fight-- every day-- just to claim yourself as your own.