Sunday, July 19, 2009

this is y i hate dating

Im going to make this as brief as possible.

Last nights date was alright as far as dates go....buuuuuutttttttt it was the guy that was simply NOT stacking up.

  • you dont eat cheese, fried foods, potatoes, pasta, or drink juice, and have ONLY white wine in your fridge for boozy bev.
  • you make weird faces like IM THE FREAK!
  • order anything diet (like diet coke and capt. morgan)--or get pissy bc they dont have Heineken Light on the menu
  • think that being a mattress salesman at a chain store when you are 25 is your final stop on your aspirations for professional development--and you have a Bachelors degree
  • have front highlights in your hair--matter fact have ANY highlights in your hair after 1994!
  • dont speak up so i can hear you in a loud lounge--so that im always saying "what?what?what?" like some kind of freak parrot

that is all.......

1 comment:

  1. LOL.....hilarious!!! Thanks for giving me a good laugh today Bri :-)


Thanks for the comment! Come back for more of my life! (giggle)